How I deploy to Neocities


~136 words, 1 min read


This personal site is hosted in Neocities and built using 11ty. To simplify uploading my static files to Neocities, I wrote a very small shell script that I added to my package.json.

#! /bin/bash
rm -rf _site
npm run build
git add .
git commit -m "Updated: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`"
neocities push _site

A brief explanation of what this script does:

  • Deletes the previous _site folder, where the static files live, to re-generate it.
  • Runs npm run build, which is the same as npx @11ty/eleventy.
  • Stages all changed files for git, and makes a commit with a message in the format "Updated: 2024-11-12 22:17:05"
  • Uses Neocities CLI to upload the static files to Neocities.

It's very simple, but if anyone has a similar work pipeline I hope it helps.