About me

A low-res white baseball cap hanging form an unidentified object.

Hello, I'm Gary.

I'm a professional web developer, self-taught game designer and amateur artist. I've been an avid gamer since I was very young, and I have a soft spot for retro and indie games.

If you wanna know more about what I'm up to, you can check out my Now Page.

If you want to know more about me through the lens of quizzes that cater to my interests, I have a page for that.

About this site

This is my little corner of the web I've made to host my stuff away from social media and third-party platforms.

Better said by 32bit cafe:

We do believe in the small internet, the small web, the slow web, the personal web, the anti-corporate web: whatever you want to call it, it's grassroots and it's been steadily growing since even before the global pandemic in 2020. We want to stop depending on corporations for everything when it comes to our web services, and we want to help promote building more infrastructure to the internet as a whole. We want more people to build websites for fun, not just to make money. Everyone benefits from an open, free internet, and that includes more self-expression that isn't on social media platforms.

Here's what you can expect to see here:

An animated gif of the scene from LOTR which spawned the infamous meme 'They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard.' A black button with white text that says 'Despite everything, it's still you.'. It also has the red heart from Undertale. A scene with a player character and sleeping kitty from Stardew Valley A scene from Homestuck in which Bro Strider gives a thumbs down to Dave Strider (off-camera)