I beat PokéRogue

  • The main menu of PokéRogue
  • Eternamax Eternatus is defeated.
  • A textbox showing that Endless mode has been unlocked.

I've been playing PokéRogue on and off for about a week. For those who don't know, it's a roguelite Pokémon fangame where you go from level 1 to 200 fighting wild Pokémon and trainers, in a never-ending gameplay loop.

In my most recent run (and the only successful one), I've finally beaten the game.

I started the run with Torchic, Magnemite and Magikarp. Through the game, I ended up forming a team of Blaziken, Magneton, Gyarados, Shiftry, Dusknoir and Seismitoad. At one point, I got both the Mega Bracelet, and the Blazikenite and Gyaradosite.

This was my set-up:

MEGA-BLAZIKEN Fire Punch Swords Dance Double Kick Aerial Ace
MEGA-GYARADOS Waterfall Ice Fang Crunch Dragon Dance
MAGNETON Discharge Confuse Ray Tri-Attach Flash Cannon
SHIFTRY Leaf Blade Nasty Plot Sucker Punch Synthesis
DUSKNOIR Shadow Punch Will-O-Wisp Thunder Punch Payback
SEISMITOAD Hydro Pump Earth Power Hyper Voice Acid

The battle with Eternatus was tense. I've lost most of my team against its base form, and by the time I was facing Eternamax Eternatus, I had only Magnezone, Dusknoir and Shiftry. Early on I also lost Shiftry to a Poison move, but I clutched it with my remaining Pokémon.

My strategy was, mostly, hax. Just the floor before Eternatus I got a TM for Mud-Slap and I taught it to my Mega Blaziken over Swords Dance, since I knew I would not be able to set-up in the fight. In the first few turns of the battle, I was able to drop the accuracy of Eternatus by a few levels, making it miss a few of its attacks.

During the Eternamax phase, I used Dusknoir's Will-O-Wisp and Magnezone's Confuse Ray to make it hit itself and wittle its HP down little by little. It used Recover once, but luckily it hit itself in confusion just when it hit red so it couldn't do it again.

I've finally beat him with that combination.

I'll probably do a few more classic runs with different teams before I tackle endless mode.

I highly recommend the game if you like roguelites and/or Pokémon battles.